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Prepare your pet to veterinary visit


You booked an appointment via PetLEO and the Veterinary visit day is just arrived and you want to get this day without any stress. Don’t worry, these tips will help you about it.

How to prepare your pet to veterinary visit?

1- Avoid being rushed and plan your time. If you are stressed, your pet will be too.

2- Bring some familiar items your pet likes – fav toys

3- Provide your pet with an opportunity to relieve himself prior to leaving your home and again before you go into the clinic. Nothing escalates stress more than having a full bladder or colon and no access to a bathroom.

4- If medically ok, let your pet hungry before visiting veterinary clinic.

5- Bring LOTS OF favourite treat of your pet. You can cut them into a really small pieces (smaller than half of a pea) – 5 is better than 1, right? – During examination, you might give a lot of treats- so better have more than enough.

6- If your pet is so anxious, ask your Vet if anti-anxiety supplements would help your pet to relax.

More tipps to have a smooth visit

There are many things you can do to help your cat or dog have a smooth and veterinary visit.